The End of the Road


The morning after we arrived in New Hampshire I woke up at sunrise. When you’re in a beautiful place, you will never regret doing so. I had to leave to go back to New York in a few hours and I also had to say goodbye to my beautiful rental camera, so I grabbed a large iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts at the drive through and drove around Bedford to take a few last photos.

Thank you for following along on this road trip…it took me a long time to get through it all, and a lot of life happened in between, but I have enjoyed working on these photos almost as much as I enjoyed the trip itself. Don’t feel too bad about the rental camera, either–I’m very, VERY excited to have purchased my first full frame camera this past weekend and I can’t wait to put it to work! Back to city life we go!nh-5 nh-1 nh-8 nh-9 nh-2 nh-7 nh-10 nh-4 nh-11 nh-12 nh-13nh-18 nh-3 nh-15 nh-19nh-17

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